CFD Reporting Services

Helping you become CFD-compliant with comprehensive and accurate reporting.

What is CFD Reporting

CFD reports allow you to demonstrate how climate change risks and opportunities might affect your financial performance.

Our reports cover areas including but not limited to:

  • Governance: This outlines your governance structure and the processes, controls and procedures in place to track and manage climate-related risks and opportunities.
  • Strategy: This details how climate-related risks and opportunities might affect your business model, strategy, and financial planning.
  • Risk Management: This explains how your organisation identifies, assesses, and manages climate-related risks and opportunities.
  • Metrics & Targets: This provides specific metrics and targets used to measure and manage your performance in response to risks and opportunities.

Our CFD reports offer significant strategic value by allowing you to prepare diligently and comprehensively. They not only enhance your organisation’s understanding of potential vulnerabilities but also position it favourably among shareholders, investors, customers and other stakeholders.

Who Needs A CFD Report

Currently, five categories of businesses need a CFD report in the UK. These are:

  • Companies with over 500 employees, shares traded on main UK markets or they are banking/insurance companies.
  • Companies listed on AIM (a market segment of the London Stock Exchange for smaller companies) with over 500 employees.
  • Companies with an over £500m annual turnover and over 500 employees.
  • Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs) that are not stock-listed or banks with over 500 employees and earn over £500m annually.
  • Trading or Banking Limited Liability Partnerships with over 500 employees

Our CFD Reports Cover Various Timeframes

Our CFD reports cover multiple timeframes to provide a holistic view of both immediate and future climate-related financial impacts. The timeframes typically encompass:

  • Short-term: This generally refers to the immediate to next 3 years. It captures the most pressing risks and opportunities that might affect current operations and immediate financial planning.
  • Medium-term: Spanning from 3 to 10 years, this timeframe delves into the potential changes in market dynamics, emerging technologies, and evolving regulations. It helps businesses in their strategic planning phase.
  • Long-term: This extends beyond 10 years and sometimes up to several decades, especially when considering chronic physical risks like rising sea levels or changing weather patterns. It provides a vision for long-term sustainability, resilience, and adaptation to the changing climate scenario.

Risks Covered In Our CFD Reports

In accordance with the CFD guidelines, our reports cover a comprehensive range of climate-related risks. These risks are typically categorised into two main types:

Physical Risks:

  • Acute Risks: These are event-driven risks, such as increased severity of extreme weather events like cyclones, heavy rainfall, and heat waves.
  • Chronic Risks: Long-term shifts in climate patterns, such as rising sea levels, chronic heat conditions, and prolonged droughts, which can affect infrastructure, agriculture, and water resources.

Transition Risks:

  • Policy and Legal: Implications from evolving policies, regulations, or litigation around climate change mitigation and adaptation.
  • Technology: Risks resulting from the rapid development and deployment of new climate-friendly technologies, which may render existing technologies or processes obsolete.
  • Market: Changes in supply and demand for certain commodities, products, or services due to climate-related reasons.
  • Reputation: Potential risks to businesses that might face adverse public opinions, declining stakeholder trust, or loss of consumer base due to perceived inadequacies in addressing climate change issues.
  • Acute Transition Risks: Immediate risks associated with sudden and significant policy shifts or market responses.

These outlined risks provide a foundation, but it’s crucial to note that the specific risks a company faces can vary based on its industry, geography, and operational nuances. Our reports delve deep into these specifics, ensuring a tailored and insightful analysis for our clients.

Why Choose Our TCFD Reports

Redlines is a leading innovator in weather and climate analytics, having provided our expertise to businesses such as National Grid, Bloomberg, and Octopus. We deliver invaluable insights that form the backbone of the CFD report, ensuring risks are precisely quantified and opportunities are clearly highlighted.

Collaborating with seasoned partners, we encompass all vital components of the CFD framework.

You can call us directly: +44 (0)117 214 0348 or submit your question below.

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Climate change consultancy

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