Energy – Renewables

Renewable energy is not immune to the impacts of climate change, and adaptation strategies are necessary to ensure the resilience and effectiveness of renewable energy systems.

Renewable Energy Sector and Climate Change

As climate change brings about more frequent and intense weather events, shifts in resource availability, and changing operating conditions, the renewable energy sector must plan for these challenges.

Adaptation strategies in renewables involve anticipating and mitigating the impacts of climate change, optimising system design, and enhancing operational flexibility to maintain reliable and sustainable energy generation.

Top 3 Adaptation Strategies For Energy – Renewables


Climate-informed resource assessment

Conduct detailed climate impact assessments to understand the potential effects of climate change on renewable energy resources, such as solar irradiation, wind patterns, or hydrological conditions.


Robust system design

Incorporate climate resilience considerations into the design and construction of renewable energy systems, accounting for extreme weather events, temperature changes, and sea-level rise to ensure structural integrity and longevity.


Enhance operational flexibility

Develop advanced forecasting and monitoring systems to anticipate fluctuations in renewable energy resources, enabling better grid integration, energy management, and load balancing in response to changing weather conditions.

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